
Additional downloads for ‘The Spider Queen’s Ritual’

Maps (ZIP file)
The maps come in the following versions:
– Standard grid
– Hexagonal grid
– No grid
– Printer-friendly (black and white)

Maps that feature traps or information only for the DM have been made in two versions: one for players and one for the DM.

Handouts (ZIP file)
Includes Shade Drez’lyn attacks, prison warden Styrix, drow mounted guard, drow zealot, Ceremonial Robe of the Drow, the sacrificial dagger, and Gloomheart.

Tokens (ZIP file)
Includes drow, drow commoner, drow cult fanatic, drow knight, drow mounted guard, drow noble, drow priestess, drow spy, drow veteran, flying sword, ghost, giant spider, Shade Drez’lyn, Styrix, and swarm of spiders.

Regional map (JPEG)
A high-resolution map of Eastern Farraway.

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